

Hypnotherapy is a skilled communication aimed at directing a person’s imagination in a way that helps elicit change in some perceptions, sensations, feelings, thoughts and behaviours.


It aims to enable a person to address their problem in a relatively short space of time, and in some cases a client may require just a few sessions for change to occur.


Hypnotherapy is distinctive from other forms of psychological therapy as it engages the subconscious mind in order to encourage beneficial change. 


If a person receives hypnotherapy for one problem, sometimes by the end of the treatment, other problems can also be improved as the positive benefits feed into the different aspects of your life.


Find out how hypnotherapy can help you address and manage problems or conditions having a negative impact on your life – call today for your free consultation.


Hypnotherapy helps to relax the mind and body



The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) has worked with the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) Copy Advice Team, in consultation with CNHC’s Profession Specific Boards (PSBs), to produce the agreed wording listed below to describe Hypnotherapy.


“Hypnotherapy is a skilled communication aimed at directing a person’s imagination in a way that helps elicit changes in some perceptions, sensations, feelings, thoughts and behaviours.


In a typical hypnotherapy session the hypnotherapist and client will discuss the intended alterations or therapeutic goals desired. The hypnotherapist will ask questions about previous medical history, general health and lifestyle to decide on the best approach for the individual.


Hypnotherapy may be found to be helpful for those seeking relief from a range of problems and is used alongside a person’s own willpower and motivation to seek a desired goal. It is often used to help relieve anxiety, aid sleeping, address attitudes to weight, and help clients achieve behavioural change to stop smoking. It may also help with minor skin conditions that are exacerbated by stress and confidence issues, and may also be used to enhance performance in areas such as sport and public speaking.”